Wednesday, May 4, 2011

bally RRJ 6

International economics
May 3, 2011

Reading Reaction Journal #6

Riley, Charles (2011, May 3) The bin Laden spending spree. CNN NEWS

         This article talks about a period of costs for Bin Laden. For a decade since “911”, U.S government has created a lot of agencies, has hired thousands of new agents to analyze intelligence, and expand security apparatus. All of these actions have been spent 424 of billions dollars to protect America; even $40 billion were spent in a week after “911”. They are all for the one purpose, which is to stop terrorist attacks. Only the budget of 2012 will more than the gross domestic product of 132 countries in 2009. The budgets have been rising, because lawmakers have to accept every budget of war funding and domestic security, so they have to raise the taxes, let citizens to pay the bills. The 14 trillion of debt sets off alarm bells in Washington, they are planning to cut the budget.
        There are two big events were happened in a week, which are the royal wedding and the death of Bin Laden. My friends joked that “it’s just like a fairy tale, prince and princess were finally getting together, and the bad guy was died.” Hahahaha… The British just celebrated the wedding, and Americans are definitely will not being behind, they had a big celebration too. However, according to the news, there is a new guy are going to fill in for Laden, so the war of counter-terrorism is not terminated. The costs of security will be continue, the mission of protect America will be continue. Also, this year is the tenth anniversary of “911”, the U.S government should put more attention to the terrorism attack, keep eye on the bad guys, to prevent the tragedy.

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